Well it seems like I've been neglecting this blog... and I'm sorry. There's just been allot going on it seems. And blogging is not my #1 priority. But it'll be nice to catch up!
This week of work seemed to fly by, yet again!! Had a nice visit from my friends Kelly and Wayne, who are visiting from Austrailia. Did some window shopping, and went out for dinner with them... showed them around where I live and then wished them on their way as they were heading to Seattle, then back to the Island where I will meet them next weekend!
My friend Laura and her baby Kaylee came to visit this weekend. Which was spectacular because I haven't seen Laura and Kaylee in... 5 months I think. And wow she has grown... well her hair has, haha. She is now 17 months old and I met her when she was in her mommy's tummy, oh how time flies!! I hated when I'd see my parents friends when I was younger, and they would CONSTANTLY say that to me... but it's true, when you see a child grow up, time DOES fly. My roomate's baby... Kael who isn't such a baby anymore... he will be 3 in less than a month, and I met him when he was still in a crib... I went from "Nen, na" to "Tenna" to "Jenna". It's crazy how fast time just passes you by.
We decided to have a girls night on Friday and go out dancing. Ahh it was long overdue and we had an amazing time with friends!! Feels good to just let loose, dance and make a fool of yourself (including the McDonalds playplace at 3am!!) But we sure did pay for it Saturday morning, after 3 hours of sleep and kids waking us up at 7:30am!! But still, well worth it.
Headed down to White Rock beach, played in the sand and wished for the sun to come out... but it decided not to. Laura, Ashley, Kael, Kaylee and myself packed up and headed to Misson. Met some of Laura's old friends, it was nice to see where she came from before I had even met her. It was nice to mix old friends with some new ones! Long day though, we were all exhausted, finally made it back home by 11pm and we all passed out pretty hard.

JUST finished a yummy dinner of chicken, fries, potato salad and green salad. Said goodbye to Laura and Kaylee, to Kael's dismay of wanting to go with them in the, "big truck". We will see them next weekend though, when we head home for May long weekend :)
It's sad to see the weekend coming to an end, but knowing it's a four day work week (took off Friday!!) makes it THAT much better. Will head back to the Island on Thursday night untill Monday evening. Can't wait to see Kel, Wayne, Mom, Dad, Ben and lot's of friends next weekend!!!
My shorts are on, the window's are open and I may just go for a walk in the sunshine tonight!! Finally feels like summer is here... and I couldn't be happier!