Wednesday, June 23, 2010

77 days...

Exciting news...

Booked my flight to Australia last weekend!! I will departing for Brisbane, Australia on September 8th, 2010. That's something like 77 days I think... not that I'm counting though.

It's been the plan for the awhile but never really managed to act on it, get my gear together and actually put my plan into action. But being away from, "home", and moving to a big city... spreading my wings you could say... has just made me ready. And I couldn't be MORE excited
about it!!

I will be staying with family friends, and my new friends, Kelly and Wayne when I get there, for how long? Who knows. But I mean, how amazing is that... what kind people to just say, "Hey, we want you to see this part of the world, get your butt on over here, no looking back!!" Some people would be just plain dumb not to jump on an oppurtunity like that!! The plan is to get some work out of the way first and then start the travelling. I have a cousin up in Darwin who I am really hoping to see as well but I don't quite know where this is going to take me yet! Which is probably the best part of it all.

So I'm here for the summer, just working away... saving what I can and living my last summer in Canada (for awhile anyway!) to the fullest. I've been all over the map lately. Haven't actually been home in the past four weekends, just kinda...can't sit still. I just wanna be anywhere, nowhere and somewhere all at the same time it seems.

I came down with a HORRIBLE sickness two weeks ago. Thought I had it under control so I did go ahead with my Kelowna trip and visited Sammy. I guess I was wrong. I came back and fell so sick that I couldn't get out of bed for two days... after one lonnnnnnggg trip to the Emerg. Pulled a muscle in my neck and have been in some harsh pain since... and still can't function it properly, man... I will never take my neck for granted again! Haha. The end result? Morphene and Tylenol 3's REALLY do NOT agree with me....
I'll stick to chicken soup and gingerale next time I figure.
Two weekends ago was Kelowna, I had never really spent time up there before, I've driven through a few times but never actually gotten to know the city and wow, it really is amazing! A little expensive for my liking but If I wasn't leaving I would definitely consider living there. Seem's like allot of fun. Spent 2 and a half days with the best friend and some other friends. Ahh it was a good time and I was pretty stoked my car made it there and back!! Haha. We went to the Vernon water slides and I think all but 1 of us left with some pretty lobster looking skin. I'm already planning my next trip... Mid July I'm thinking... hmmmm.

Went back to Comox last weekend because I booked myself off for a long weekend. And spent quite a bit of time at the beach. Had a blast with friends & family. Ugh, I'm REALLY going to miss a certain few :( But truth be told, true friends are true friends regardless of where you live in the world. I'm soon to find out...

SO life is getting better, bit by bit... I'm feeling a little all scattered around but it'll come together in the end and I'm working my hardest to see the light at the end of the tunnel and achieve true happiness!!

Dinner time! I'll write again, soon? No promises... but I'll try!!
(And mom, none of this was possible without you, I LOVE YOU!!)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hey, I'm back!!

I guess not needing to write here is sort of a positive thing, as I usually only write when I need to vent about something or have nobody to talk to.

Tonight I visit this blog in really high spirits. I've been a really happy person lately, even I am enjoying me!! I don't even know where to start, I don't even know why I am in such a great place lately, I just don't know... I just know I'm happy and I'm loving life and all that it has to offer me right now.

Where did I last leave off? Laura and Kaylee visited. The next couple weekends I did end up back in Comox for visits. Visited with my friends Kelly and Wayne who came all the way from Aus, had a kick ass game of badminton, spent some time with my brother and friends that I haven't seen in awhile... enjoyed some of their company, and some... well I didn't.

One of my highlights about back home was sitting on my parent's deck, cuddled up in some blankets talking to Kelly who was sitting right beside me (complaining about Canada's "cold" weather, in May..) a friend I've met only twice... but someone I feel I've known almost my whole life. A person who understands me for me and you know... just one of those people you can talk to about anything. Although she may not agree with some of the things I do, or some of the problems I have, she is always ready and willing to talk to me and coach me through things. Ahh!! I'm even finding myself tearing up here!! I had a really good visit, I actually left Comox feeling different. Just... different. Positive.

Another moment I kind of just wanted to freeze in time was when my friend Jillian and I were sitting in her car with a huge bottle of wine, with her front tires touching the ocean, we were litterally on the edge of the world it felt like and that's where I wanted to stay. Just wanted to stay there talk and stare at the most beautiful view, the ocean and the mountains... I feel extreme piece of mind when I am near those two elements and I really didn't want to leave, it's home. The company & conversation was great, if any of you reading this now can tell me how to make these experiences never-ending... please let me know.

I think moving here was a stepping stone for me, one that I needed. I don't feel un-easy about my future, I don't feel aprehensive about trying new things, stepping outside the box and doing something in life I'm unsure about. I can do anything I want, I will do anything I want and whatever I do, I will succeed. I have huge plans for myself, sort of a secret for now... BUT give it time...

I'm feeling really connected to people in my life right now, people who love me and people I love in return, I feel like me, completely me. I don't have somebody by my side to need to feel that anymore, it's such a fantastic feeling I can't quite describe.

I'm heading up to Kelowna tomorrow for the weekend to visit my best friend, Sam... gonna do what we do best... talk, tan, drink and hit some friggen waterslides, I can't wait. SUMMER is here!! Well 11 days to go really...

Ok so my happiness and love right now is sort of just too much to blog about... like really. I feel like I'm bursting at the seams! To top it all off, I'm sick. I'm sick as hell and I still feel this amazing inside. How awesome is that?!?!

I need to go pack, thanks for listening!! xo