I guess I have just been super busy with life. Since I last wrote 2 months has gone by, and gone by quickly.
So what have I been up to? Pretty much just working away. This summer has kind of been a blur. With trips back home, Kelowna and sometimes just bumming around here. Been to Playland a few times... Took a trip up to Salmon Arm, Vernon and Kelowna awhile ago, met many new people, did some strenious tubing, discovered a lake around my parts that's been a pretty chill place to hang out, kind of busy for my liking though... nothing beats Barber's Hole or Puntledge River. 

Since living here I've met some pretty rad people... people who I hope to keep in touch with when I leave and even an amazing person who is also going down to Australia right after I am! I've gotten really close with my Uncle and saw lots of my cousin whom I didn't really know much before I had moved here. And he's actually a family member I can get along with and doesn't drive me nutso!!
I HATE saying goodbye's, absolutely hate them. I had to say my first goodbye today. And yeah, she was my employee and I have only known her about 2 months but it's weird... you know some people for such a short period of time and connect with them on a certain level and then life happens... and you don't know when you will see them again, if... ever. You both will never been in that spot in life again at the same time. It's so crazy.
On the horizon I have many more goodbye's to say and to hell if I know how I am going to deal with that!! So in ways I'm super excited to go, super excited for new experiences, new friends, new dreams and hopes but on the other hand I'm leaving all that I know, EVERYTHING! I'm being a big sap, I know, I know but I have a few close friends... and my close friends are REALLY close, so to know that they aren't in the next room, or even a couple of hours away scares me.
Ok, I'm done being all wimpy and stuff.
So, I have my room all packed up (well, most of it) and am cramming it all into my little car for when I move back to Comox on Saturday. Just like I did on the way over... my knee's will probably be smushed against the dashboard and when I arrive I probably won't be able to move my legs. But it's all so worth it!!
I'm having a BBQ to celebrate my 22nd Birthday and my going away shindig on the 4th with all my close friend's and family, I hope most of them can make it!! It'll be nice to see everyone I love and care about together! :)
My mummy is driving me to Seattle on the 8th of September and off I go. I don't quite want to think about the flight yet. I'm deathly afraid of flying and if my body could cope with sedatives, I would take them, but it doesn't. So I need to figure out a way around that one.
Well, I have to go pack up my fish's belongings because I have found him a new home. At a pond in a liquor store. He is truly my fish. I'm sure he can't wait to meet his new friends.
Dammit, see... another goodbye.